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Monday, January 10, 2011

Snowed in...

This is our home... in New England.  After living here so long, you get used to January snow storms and staving off  cabin fever.  So what did I do to beat the boredom caused by this storm?

I ORGANIZED... feast your eyes on these beauties... 


TAH DAH!  The pantries on either side of my fridge-- so photographic -- now that I had at it with my dustpan and broom! If there was an award for this kind of cleaning and organizing, surely I would have won it.  I know, these picture perfect pantries may be hard to appreciate but the before photos were too embarassing to post and with three men in the house... I give my hard work (an all day affair) three months.  Feel for me ladies-please!!!

ALSO...  I took apart my winter themed dining decor.  After hosting a New Year's day brunch complete with a mamosa bar, I quickly tired of the "decorations".   Below is the 17 year old $17 Joann Fabric clearance special.  I gave it new life by flocking it.  I put together a really messy how-to but, well, the holidays are behind us now.  For those wondering, yes, I did use left over white paint.  Looks pretty snowy doesn't it... unfortunately, the PB snow and glitter were starting to cling to everything and, well... it all had to go.      

soft, wintery, evening  lighting...

Wait... I am still fighting the cabin fever fight! I made a few changes in the family room too.  Pictured below are a few shots of the room before my updating.  The reveal is soon to follow.

How have you kept busy in 2011?  


1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I tried to motivate myself when I was snowed in last week... I did some but also caught up on lots of TV and movies :)
